Pigment Disorders
Too much (hyperpigmentation) or too little pigment (hypopigmentation) in the skin particularly in visible sites such as the face, neck, upper chest and hands is problematic for many people. Uneven or patchy pigmentation is particularly distressing. These disorders affect self-esteem and may be associated with other health issues and skin conditions.
Melanocytes are cells which reside in the upper layers of the skin and manufacture pigment granules. There are greater numbers of melanocytes and pigment granules in darker skin patients.
Common hyperpigmentation disorders include: solar pigmentation, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, hormonal factors (melasma) birthmarks, drug causes and nutritional deficiencies.
Common hyperpigmentation disorders include: solar pigmentation, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, birthmarks, drug causes and nutritional deficiencies.
The diagnosis and management of pigment disorders is complex and requires a detailed understanding of the interaction between different cells within the skin and the response of pigment cells (melanocytes) to environmental insults.
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